Saturday, July 14, 2007
Kick your stove to the curb
Kick your stove out!
By kicking your stove out you are helping yourself to be healthier. First you will not be challenged with having to ever cook food again. No more slave to a stove! As you know too much cooked food is not good for you anyway. By having no stove you will have to update your kitchen.
At Sun Fire Food we call this getting your kitchen into the 21st century. Get a juicer, a blender,a food processor, a citrus juicer and a dehydrator. Now put your culinary creativty to work. you can make pies,even cakes, crackers,soups, salads- you know that a greed salad a day keeps disease away, juices, and what ever you can imagine.
What ever cooked foods you crave or desire- simple make them raw and fresh. Go visit your local herb shop- get some new spices and herbs for your dressings and salads. Stretch you culinary imagination.
The looks i received when i kick my stove out was priceless. All my neighbors were in shock! After the immeidate shock wore off they all were jockeing for the stove. They did not get the picture. What about you? What would you prefer you on fire or your food?
Dr Aris Latham
Monday, July 9, 2007
you eat what your are
You are not what you eat!
We have heard the saying you are what you eat. In many ways we are what we eat, but more specifically we eat what we are. After we eat something its basically becomes us. On each level possible: mental, physical, emotional and psychological what we consume becomes who and what we become. If we really want to be free from disease we must began to look at our plates and what we put in our mouths. Our taste buds are designed for sweet, salty, sour and bitter flavors. Most foods we eat are actually some combination of these flavors. These natural flavors can be cooked or fresh.
When they are cooked they are mostly cooked out of the food. So our taste buds are actually not as alive from this. When heating food, the flavors rise and basically leave the foods. With fresh food the flavors are alive and within the foods. The nutrients are more in tack with the fresh version of the food. If you want to become healthier take a look at the food and its form as you consume it. After consuming the food take notice and see if you do not become that food energetically. It has been said that if one eats fish, when they sleep they might flip and flop- toss and turn. If one eats cow’s milk they may want to sit around all the time. These examples can go and on and on. So take a look at your food choices and remember what you eat you become.
Consider SEX
Now that I have your attention...
If you want to look good, feel good and have more energy. Consider SEX.
S is for sleep. Without enough rest and sleep (6 to 10 hours) one remains tired. Have you ever felt like you just did not get enough rest, but your day must go on and the day drags on and on and you are in the days most of the day? This is a clear example that one is not getting enough rest and sleep. Getting enough rest and sleep allows for one to be well rested. A well rested person is more able to do what needs to be done with energy and enthusiasm. It has been documented that stress is the silent energy drainer. Get enough sleep and reduce your distress levels.
Extracurricular activities- is something one does outside one's regular work, responsibilities, or routine. Find and develop a hobby that you can get completely engaged in. By finding and engaging in a pleasurable activity one is able to balance out the other areas of their life. Get a lifelong hobby!