Saturday, July 14, 2007
Kick your stove to the curb
Kick your stove out!
By kicking your stove out you are helping yourself to be healthier. First you will not be challenged with having to ever cook food again. No more slave to a stove! As you know too much cooked food is not good for you anyway. By having no stove you will have to update your kitchen.
At Sun Fire Food we call this getting your kitchen into the 21st century. Get a juicer, a blender,a food processor, a citrus juicer and a dehydrator. Now put your culinary creativty to work. you can make pies,even cakes, crackers,soups, salads- you know that a greed salad a day keeps disease away, juices, and what ever you can imagine.
What ever cooked foods you crave or desire- simple make them raw and fresh. Go visit your local herb shop- get some new spices and herbs for your dressings and salads. Stretch you culinary imagination.
The looks i received when i kick my stove out was priceless. All my neighbors were in shock! After the immeidate shock wore off they all were jockeing for the stove. They did not get the picture. What about you? What would you prefer you on fire or your food?
Dr Aris Latham
Monday, July 9, 2007
you eat what your are
You are not what you eat!
We have heard the saying you are what you eat. In many ways we are what we eat, but more specifically we eat what we are. After we eat something its basically becomes us. On each level possible: mental, physical, emotional and psychological what we consume becomes who and what we become. If we really want to be free from disease we must began to look at our plates and what we put in our mouths. Our taste buds are designed for sweet, salty, sour and bitter flavors. Most foods we eat are actually some combination of these flavors. These natural flavors can be cooked or fresh.
When they are cooked they are mostly cooked out of the food. So our taste buds are actually not as alive from this. When heating food, the flavors rise and basically leave the foods. With fresh food the flavors are alive and within the foods. The nutrients are more in tack with the fresh version of the food. If you want to become healthier take a look at the food and its form as you consume it. After consuming the food take notice and see if you do not become that food energetically. It has been said that if one eats fish, when they sleep they might flip and flop- toss and turn. If one eats cow’s milk they may want to sit around all the time. These examples can go and on and on. So take a look at your food choices and remember what you eat you become.
Consider SEX
Now that I have your attention...
If you want to look good, feel good and have more energy. Consider SEX.
S is for sleep. Without enough rest and sleep (6 to 10 hours) one remains tired. Have you ever felt like you just did not get enough rest, but your day must go on and the day drags on and on and you are in the days most of the day? This is a clear example that one is not getting enough rest and sleep. Getting enough rest and sleep allows for one to be well rested. A well rested person is more able to do what needs to be done with energy and enthusiasm. It has been documented that stress is the silent energy drainer. Get enough sleep and reduce your distress levels.
Extracurricular activities- is something one does outside one's regular work, responsibilities, or routine. Find and develop a hobby that you can get completely engaged in. By finding and engaging in a pleasurable activity one is able to balance out the other areas of their life. Get a lifelong hobby!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Heart Gift
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
While looking around at all the things there- I found this Sea Veggie call Kombu. I called around and asked
a few question from some who are well versed in things like Kombucha.
Kombucha is a very popular drink that is cultured for 30 days. That means it is fermented and filled with active enzymes, probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants and polypherols. It is called an elixir that works to restore the balance and vitality of the body. It also is known to support digestion, metabolism, immune system, control appetite, liver function, body alkalinity, anti-aging, cell integrity and healthy skin and hair. wow what a list!
I had two interviews about kombucha that i would like to share. One was with Aris Latham- The God Father of RAw food Movement. The interview was so short- i went into shock. He said- "it is fermented rotten food".period. Fermented and rotten. case closed. Wow! My head was spinning, because I have read all the things I listed above and to hear this was a big shock. The reason any one heals is not from what they eat but basically from what they are no longer eating. The nutrition in the food matter a lot as well, but basically it is what we leave out that leads to our greatest healing. What our body's thrive on is fresh raw organic sun fired foods.
The second interview was a little better. The Little Japanese woman said- when i was young we used to have Kombu tea. Wow! Kombu tea a Japan Tradition. Interested I said, what was it made of? she said- soaked kombu leaves. Soaked kombu leaves from the sea? yes the same kombu you see in the photo. She said the tea was made fresh and some times stored for future use. How did it taste? Like the ocean. The taste was like drinking ocean water, but the benefits were great as well. Her parents said it was good for her health to drink and they made her drink it often.
so I wonder- where in the world did the kombucha that is now so popular come from? I am thinking that the kombu was stored in some type of barrel and over time the with in the barrel there was a left over culture( a fermented rotten substance) that is now used as a standard to make the kombucha on the market today. That is my thinking. The kombu started as a simple ocean drink and got turned into a fermented drink over time as it moved further away from it original source.
Try for yourself- make a kombu tea. soak some kombu for 10 minutes in some water and add a little sweet if that is your thing. let me know what you think.
From my experience only foods filled with sun energy can rejuvenate, restore, revitalize, replenish and regenerate the body along with rest, sleep, proper hydration and other organic factors.
Enjoy your kombu cha.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Home with Sushi
Blue Crunch Pie
crust is a balanced combination of soaked oats, cashews and dates.
Next layer is blue berries pudding followed with fresh whole blue berries and dehydrated nuts on top.
wow! Nice Blue Treat.
Have this pie with a blue berry smothie and you'll be in blue heaven. Enjoy the blue inside you.
Eats from the deep sea
This link is a visual of some of the creatures that live in the ocean. These creatures are busy doing their lives just as we are doing our lives except they are under the water. Eat from the sea and see how you move,think, feel, react, smell,taste, sleep,and be. I am sitting here in Maui right in the ocean waiting for one of those water guys to come and visit. Enjoy the video.
The talk of calcium is an ongoing debate that I would like to share a few thoughts on. Calcium is an essential mineral that we need in our body. I always share that we have two types of calcium inorganic and organic. Our body is more comfortable consuming the organic calcium. It is easy to absorb and good for us- cal see yum. The inorganic is in organic in other words, not good for us. Try eating one of those calcium capsules. yuck. Our body can not digest and assimilate the inorganic substance. Pretty simple. Eat natural organic sources of calcium.
Calcium is essential for our bones and teeth. If we have soft bones in our body it is likely we have some sort of mineral deficiency. Calcium is in the family of other very important minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride and potassium. Calcium along with these other minerals plays a role in our skeleton, body fluid balance and enzymatic reactions.
Calcium can be found in most green leafy veggies like in the photo. You can also fine calcium in see weeds, watercress, parsley and my favorite kale. I like the dinosaur kale which is high in not only calcium but other minerals and vitamins. The most vital nutrient is Sun. The greens are stored sun energy. Get a bunch of kale and cut it up into small pieces, add a little onion, and tomato, maybe throw some corn in, your favorite spice, some orange or lemon juice and enjoy.
How do you know you are mineral deficient? Do the frown test. Eat some of these veggies and see. If you eat some sea vegetables like nori or kelp for example, and you frown than you need more minerals. This is the frown test. Most of us are deficient because we do not eat enough greens. Do a quick survey of what you ate in past 72 hours and see for yourself. Eat more greens and build your mineral reserves up. Your energy level will be more stable. The red in the chard on this picture shows that this food is potentially good for the blood. Eat greens! And feel delightful!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
These creatures eat themselves as they grow. They actually eat their own skeleton in order to absorb their calcium which is used to grow another skeleton. These little guys are either crawling on the ocean floor or swimming backward- doing the backstroke.
It has been known that eating these foods are good for the brain. This brain food is created from the protein- an amino acid, in the seafood called tyrosine which breaks up to form dopamine and nor epinephrine. These powerful natural chemicals stimulate and energize the brain chemistry.
These slowing moving, toxic scavengers, some times referred to as worms are also known to affect ones neck and back areas after being eaten. Check you attitude and your body the next time you eat a shrimp... are you stiff? How do you sleep? Curled up? Do you flip and flap- toss and turn all night? What do you smell like?
It has been suggested that by eating these foods we take on their characteristics. Hum something to ponder. We not only become what we eat- but we eat what we become. So the next time you are craving sea food remember where it has come from and its possible affect on your psyche and physical body. Look at them- what do they say to you?
Tennis edge!
Sea Urchin
There are two types of waters- salt and fresh. Salt water is from the big ocean and it vibrates like our blood stream; and fresh water which vibrates with our lymph system. The combination of these two affect water entities affects our immune system.
From the ocean we receive large portion of our foods. We get sea algae’s or seaweeds and other type of sea creatures- fish, lobsters, shrimp etc. when we eat these foods they influence our not only our blood, but our immune and lymphatic systems as well.
Did you know that eating large amount of sea vegetables (algae) could help balance respiratory problems? The high concentration of chlorophyll potentially enhances the respiratory function and regulates water balance in the body.
When you are craving seafood, consider eating some sea veggies. The desire you are craving is for the taste of the ocean and not necessarily the creatures of the ocean. Sea veggies are filled with the ocean flavor with out the energetic effects of eating a fish or crustacean.
Go to you local health for store and look for some sea veggies. There are several type of sea weeds: hiziki, kombu, wakame, alaria, arame, sea palm, dulse, agar irish moss and red laver nori. Try a few of these in your salads or by themselves.
pasta that water sucking flower
Thursday, June 14, 2007
R-E-D Meat
Take a look at this photo. What do you see? what do you not see?
Every time I look at something like this i think of how it got there and what it took to get there? To me there is no right or wrong - but to your body there are laws and when those laws are violated the result is some form of disease. When we consume meat it has the tendency to sit in us just as it is sitting in this display. Sometimes up to days sitting in our colon. This is what leads to gas and foul smells from our bodies.
Do some research to see if dead flesh looks that red.
Ask your colon how challenging it is to digest meat. We all have freedom to choose how we feed our bodies and respect you. Just wanted to share if you do eat meat remember to eat your salad and take some digestive enzymes.
I am off to see if i can fine a new edible food.
Red Power!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Lifestyle Fitness Coaching with
We are all unique and have unique needs especially when it comes to our health and fitness. Linda has developed a system of coaching designed to assist clients on a new level to address all areas of life that affect ones well being:mental, physical,emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
She gets to the heart of the matter- yours!
Weather is it nutritional, activity, environmental or taking a deeper inspirational journey inside yourself. This lifestyle coaching is for those seeking to de-stress, who are ready to be more pro-active and prepared to do what it takes to lose weight and keep it off, to control bad habits, and develop the lifestyle desired more instead of less of the time.
The 12 week one-on one program includes nutritional hand outs and simple daily exercises that can be done right at home. This exclusive program can take place at her location in PA or on the phone right in the convenience of your home. There's plenty of support via emails, faxes, snail mail and other new media. Wow. If you are looking for a lifestyle fitness coaching experience that will support you in the direction of your desires, visit her site of call 866.559.2787.
Are you ready for the change your desire?
The investment for this 12-week life changing fitness coaching is $850.00. Go ahead make the changes you desire. I am holding the intention with you.
Green Bean and corn
Get some green beans and slice them,two ears of corn and cut of the kernels, add onion,tomato, carrots
olive oil, dulse-a sea mineral, pinch of sea salt and love. Cut up a handful of mixed greens and place green beans and corn on top
and enjoy.
Monday, June 11, 2007
OJ for the day!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
You are a miracle!
4,000,000 beats per year- 3 billion beats in a lifetime of 60 to 70 years
Pumps 2 gallons of blood per minute and over 100 Gallons per hour!
We have over 60,000 miles of ducts- tubes that blood runs through
that is about twice around the earth.
The heart only equals 3% of the body's total mass
every 20 to 60 seconds a complete revolution takes place
in our life time there are 75,000 to 250,000 round trips.
all the blood in our body lined up would spread out over 30,000 miles
In one second we lose and gain 3,000,000 blood cells. 1 second!
there are over 100,000 chemical reaction that take place each second-
our body is composed of 70 to 100 trillion cells... Trillion Cells!
Our DNA can reach the sun and back 150 times- to the sun!
In case you forgot that you are a miracle this is your reminder!
These activities take place in us without much help from us. this is the
gift to us for just being alive. Give gratitude for your being- you are a miracle.
What do you think?
Heart Stretch!
As a Stretching coach, I am well aware of the number of people dieing from
heart attacks. Let the love flow through you! This simple stretch is designed
to assist you to open yourself to more love and greater possibilities.
Place your hands together in front of you. Spread them as far back as possible.
Hold for 2 seconds and exhale. Do five of these and watch how your heart shows
you love.
This simple stretch and others will be available soon in my up coming stretching for
sport,health and wellness book. Stay tuned.
Go ahead open up your heart-to you.
Orange Bliss 3
Orange Bliss 2
Spread around... make smooth